- I recommend for any education student working with a supervising teacher to take a notebook with you to class every day and write down any little tidbits that the teacher gives you. For instance, my current teacher has given me some awesome ideas for the use of puppets. She uses a bunny and calls him 'shy bunny'. 'Shy Bunny' only comes out when the class can be quiet. 'Shy Bunny' also is used to let a student know when they are not behaving in a good way. The student makes shy bunny upset when they don't act good!
- Communing with nature is not only relaxing it is educational in a varitety of disciplines: Art, Science, Music, and Math
- Art is not only nice it is necessary! (a quote taken from the textbook: Children and Their Art). I truly believe in this quote purely because my own children communicate and express themselves through art. If they were not able to create their 'art' I believe they would not be as outgoing as they are.
- Art frees the mind. There are no close minded people in the art world. This is proven with the Bodies exhibit (which, by the way I don't approve of!)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Education Tips and Tidbits
Art Websites
1) www.mrpicassohead.com
2) www.youdraw.com
3) www.zoopz.com
4) www.princetonol.com
5) www.artedventures.com
6) http://www.alifetimeofcolor.com/
7) http://www.crayola.com/educators/index.cfm
8) http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/116/artsupplies
9) http://tradingideas.orientaltrading.com/art_supplies/
10) http://www.apples4theteacher.com/coloring-pages/index.html
11) http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/for-kids.htm
12) http://www.glencoe.com/sec/art/student_resources/interactive_games/index.php
13) http://play.lego.com/en-US/default.aspx
14) http://www.nativetech.org/games/index.php
15) http://www.nga.gov/kids/zone/collagemachine.htm
1) www.mrpicassohead.com
2) www.youdraw.com
3) www.zoopz.com
4) www.princetonol.com
5) www.artedventures.com
6) http://www.alifetimeofcolor.com/
7) http://www.crayola.com/educators/index.cfm
8) http://www.thegreenguide.com/doc/116/artsupplies
9) http://tradingideas.orientaltrading.com/art_supplies/
10) http://www.apples4theteacher.com/coloring-pages/index.html
11) http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/lessons/middle/for-kids.htm
12) http://www.glencoe.com/sec/art/student_resources/interactive_games/index.php
13) http://play.lego.com/en-US/default.aspx
14) http://www.nativetech.org/games/index.php
15) http://www.nga.gov/kids/zone/collagemachine.htm
Artists I Would Use In My Classroom
Salvador Dali- I would use him because I admire his work and have been to a museum of his works. I find such depth and symbolism in his work. Every time I look at a picture of his I see something I missed.
Van Gogh- I would use Van Gogh to boost a students self-esteem by showing them that what they see is not always what other people see.
Andy Warhol- I would use Andy Warhol in my classroom as an introduction to modern art.
DaVinci- I would use Leonardo DaVinci in my classroom because he is so diverse in his art and his endeavors; I could use some of his inventions as a demonstration of what some people thought of before it was even possible and that they should not listen to nay sayers (negative people)
Jacob Lawrence- I would use Jacob Lawrence in my classroom as a way to introduce the history of the great migration
Salvador Dali- I would use him because I admire his work and have been to a museum of his works. I find such depth and symbolism in his work. Every time I look at a picture of his I see something I missed.
Van Gogh- I would use Van Gogh to boost a students self-esteem by showing them that what they see is not always what other people see.
Andy Warhol- I would use Andy Warhol in my classroom as an introduction to modern art.
DaVinci- I would use Leonardo DaVinci in my classroom because he is so diverse in his art and his endeavors; I could use some of his inventions as a demonstration of what some people thought of before it was even possible and that they should not listen to nay sayers (negative people)
Jacob Lawrence- I would use Jacob Lawrence in my classroom as a way to introduce the history of the great migration
Places To Find Cheap Art Supplies
ART SUPPLIES can be found at these stores and websites:
1. Hobby Lobby
2. Michael's
3. Wal-Mart
4. www.discountschoolsupply.com
5. www.unitednow.com
6. http://www.enasco.com/earlylearning/Arts+%26+Crafts/
7. http://www.homeroomteacher.com/
8. http://www.schoolbox.com/
9. http://www.crayolastore.com/index.asp?.
10. http://www.orientaltrading.com/application?namespace=browse&origin=catalogCategory.jsp&event=catalog&categoryId=382160&tabId=artSupplies&cm_re=TOP-_-AS-_-AS
1. Hobby Lobby
2. Michael's
3. Wal-Mart
4. www.discountschoolsupply.com
5. www.unitednow.com
6. http://www.enasco.com/earlylearning/Arts+%26+Crafts/
7. http://www.homeroomteacher.com/
8. http://www.schoolbox.com/
9. http://www.crayolastore.com/index.asp?.
10. http://www.orientaltrading.com/application?namespace=browse&origin=catalogCategory.jsp&event=catalog&categoryId=382160&tabId=artSupplies&cm_re=TOP-_-AS-_-AS
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Field Trip Ideas
- hike in the woods or on the border of the playground; used to introduce the students to the science of nature
- children's toy museum; used to introduce the critical thinking of why toys were made the way they were (due to history and what was going on at the time they were made)
- Margaret Mitchell museum; used to introduce the civil war and taken farther by teaching of the racial stereotypes of the 30's
- Callaway gardens; a science exploration of insects and botany
- Cades Cove in The Great Smokey Mountains National Park; a step back in history to the way people used to live at the turn of the century
- Roaring Forks Motor Trail; would be used similar to Cades Cove, except the houses are more authentic to common people not wealthy landowners
- Publix Supermarkets; can be used to introduce Special Education students to how to buy their own groceries
- Ruby Tuesdays; Students in a second language or ESL class can practice their new language when ordering food and conversing with the waiter
- Tour of homes in Newnan at Christmas (hosted by the Historical society); can be used to introduce/reinforce students knowledge of life at the turn of the century in Coweta county
- Tour of the old Newnan hospital; can be used to jump start a unit on the Civil War and Coweta county's role in Sherman's march to the sea
Art Lesson Integrated Ideas
Language Arts
1.Paint a tee pee and decorate with the Cherokee alphabet
2.Create a name plate with Chinese lettering
3.Print class t-shirts with the class slogan on them
1.Create a model of the universe in full color
2.Create a flower bouquet using seeds
3.Paint a landscape picture using the features of a Georgia landform
4.Paint clouds and name them
5.Create a plant cell out of clay (Thank you to Amber from Art class for this idea)
1.Paint a symmetry picture
2.Paint a Piccaso using geometric figures
3.Create Valentines boxes using closed plane figures
4.Create a picture using polygons
5.Grouchy Ladybug math lesson on time used with in conjuncture with an art lesson on how Eric Carle made his pictures in his books; author info and genre type would be used as minilessons
1.Recycled city– to show students how to think ecologically and to reuse trash
2.Necklace– students could make a necklace of paper beads and plastic beads to represent what the Indians wore
3.My life drawing– a project that culminates after learning about communities
4.Create and sew Christmas stockings with yarn and construction paper; decorate
5.Design a traditional German gingerbread house out of art supplies
6.Design a Indian headband to wear at the festival of Thanksgiving
7.Create/Design a community flag; state flag; national flag
1.Paint a tee pee and decorate with the Cherokee alphabet
2.Create a name plate with Chinese lettering
3.Print class t-shirts with the class slogan on them
1.Create a model of the universe in full color
2.Create a flower bouquet using seeds
3.Paint a landscape picture using the features of a Georgia landform
4.Paint clouds and name them
5.Create a plant cell out of clay (Thank you to Amber from Art class for this idea)
1.Paint a symmetry picture
2.Paint a Piccaso using geometric figures
3.Create Valentines boxes using closed plane figures
4.Create a picture using polygons
5.Grouchy Ladybug math lesson on time used with in conjuncture with an art lesson on how Eric Carle made his pictures in his books; author info and genre type would be used as minilessons
1.Recycled city– to show students how to think ecologically and to reuse trash
2.Necklace– students could make a necklace of paper beads and plastic beads to represent what the Indians wore
3.My life drawing– a project that culminates after learning about communities
4.Create and sew Christmas stockings with yarn and construction paper; decorate
5.Design a traditional German gingerbread house out of art supplies
6.Design a Indian headband to wear at the festival of Thanksgiving
7.Create/Design a community flag; state flag; national flag
Puppet Parade/Paper Mache Play
In my art class, we did a puppet show. My team decided to do a real life puppet show. The picture is me in my Penelope Peony flower face. We decided to combine the puppet show project with the paper mache project. We wrote a play and acted it out in front of our peers. It was fun and embarrassing at the same time. I painted my face yellow to indicate the inside of the flower. We had plenty of flower puns written into our play. What fun!
Power Point story

Hi. In my project, power point story, I told my diabetic daughter's story. I created a power point story that included two drawings from Paint (including the one above of one of her BD insulin syringes) and some digital pictures. When I presented it to the class, I played Avalon's song called "Joy and Sorrow". It was a song I would play every few months and have a cry with. It was my grieving time. When the song was over I would mop up and go on with taking care of her, however difficult. At the end of my story I gave a plug to the JDRF organisation. They are working toward a cure for type 1 diabetes. My family has participated in their fundraisers every year except last year (I was deeply involved with fall semester). I truly believe that there is a cure out there for type 1 diabetes, the scientist have just not found it yet. This makes me pray just a little harder!
Science Integrated Art Lesson Plan
Hi. Here is my science art lesson idea. I don't have a picture because I lost my Sun and Earth. I actually taught this lesson in my class. I read the book Stars. In the book there was an analogy of the sun's size to the size of the Earth. The analogy included a soccer ball as the sun and a grain of sand as the Earth. I had my students to create a Sun and Earth out of clay in the size they thought they were to each other. Then in the book when I got to the part about the soccer ball and sand, I pulled out a soccer ball and some sand and showed them. They then had to recreate their Earth and Sun. The students loved it and I think they got an idea of how large the Sun is.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Polygon Clouds Integrated Math Lesson Activity
This is a lesson idea to integrate art into the math curriculum. The students take their polygons out of their math kit and throw them onto the paper. Then they trace them. When done, they trade the paper to another student and that student tries to see if there is a picture they can make with the shapes. I created an American Indian out of my shapes.
Imagine It Art Game

This is an art game that I created. It is a kind of charades game. There are 9 cards that can be used. A person draws a card and tries to get the other people to guess exactly what is on the other card. For example: On one card are the words "You are a world famous concert singer".
It goes on like that until the cards are gone.
My daughter's Storyboard
Saturday, March 1, 2008
ABC's of the Ford Family's Adventures
Recycled FLower City
This is my recycled utopian flower city. It was based on Disney's movie Meet the Robinsons. It is made up of my recyclables. I recycle glass, plastic, Styrofoam, cardboard, newspaper, and magazines. I covered the plastic in paper mache. Then I primed it and spray painted it. I added scrap booking paper with flowers on it to make it prettier. The clay figures are a stop sign and a convertible car.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Diorama- Glacier
This is my diorama about a social issue in the world. I watched a very interesting documentary about the melting glaciers not too long ago. The thing I remember most about it was when the scientist kayaked in the runoff water from the glacier. The program said the glaciers are melting. They hinted that it was due to global warming, but had other explanations also. It was a very interesting show. I decided to do the diorama about the glaciers, because I am very concerned about out Earth and how we are treating it. I try my best to do what I can to help the environment, including recycling and leaving a place clearner than I found it. I am teaching my children to respect nature and to value it for what it is.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Mad Man Painting Technique

This is my attempt at finding a new painting technique. I took some shampoo, dish soap and mixed it with tempura paint. I then added some water and mixed it up. I took the bubbles and spooned them onto the paper. When it was dry it looked like a 2 year old had done it! My husband said it looked better on the back. So I turned it over and found an image and outlined it. I was trying for a "find an image in the clouds" type of picture, but as with all experiments, they don't always turn out the way you want.
Mixed Media Landscape

The painting on the top is my interpretation of the picture taken in the Great Smokey Mountains. My family loves to be outside in the mountains, hiking. It is a place of calm serenity for me. I painted the picture with watercolors and enhanced the lines with crayon, markers, and oil pastels. It is not the best, but then I am not a painter, just a teacher wanna-be.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Handmade Necklace
This is a handmade necklace that I made for art class. It was my second try. I actually made three, but the third did not meet the specifications of the assignment. For the assignment, we had to make paper beads and put them on a necklace with other beads. We also had to handmake a pendant. My beads are blue glass with an aqua pendant. I painted my paper beads with blue and silver metallic fingernail polish.
Self Portrait + Poem
This is my self portrait that I did for my art class. The assignment was for us (future educators) to create a collage self portrait and a poem about ourselves. This is my attempt. I made full points for the assignment, but I didn't feel it was very good. I poured out my heart into the poem. I have accepted that I am who I am and can not criticize myself into non-existence. After all, it's just me...........
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